Australian Champion
Kormeister Afra

Brabantsia Karla
Guiding Flame (IMP UK)
Eng. Champ Ausscott Hasso von Marchenwald (GMY)
Owlcroft Anitra (UK)
Brabantsia Leoni
Chesara Dark Rustler(IMP UK)
Brabantsia San Lisa
Zenguard Ivory Jupp vom Magdegerg (GMY IMP USA) Anton vom Hein (GMY)
Int. Champ Babette vom Magdeberg (GMY)
Anne von der Silberhutte (GMY)
Int Champ Dingo vom Schwaiger Wappen (GMY)
Bonni Von Lee Harper (GMY)

Afra was our first home bred champion and set the standard for our young stock. She was multi "V"rated and Breed Surveyed. Afra only produced 2 litters her most productive was the very last litter sired by the german import Graf Vom Gruntenblick to which she produced 11 puppies, 2 of which we kept and are still breeding from.Catja and Cora are the backbone of our breeding stock now and both of these bitches are titled and again, multi"V"rated including cora being awarded Res.Chall. from the junior bitch class under Herr Hartmut Teschke ADRK. Afra now lives with my daughter,Kelly and enjoys being a house dog and still comes home for a visit just to put the younger girls back in their place.

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