Leona's Home Page

Welcome to my homepage! I am slowly updating, but pictures are years old, and so is alot of the information. I really need to do some cleaning up here! Unfortunately my guest book is not working, so if you have any comments, please email me at leonamarie@hotmail.com

Here, you will see pics of my family...learn a little bit about me, and I will send you to links to some of my favorite places online!

Red Cloud Indian School Where I went to school for 12 years of my life...I even taught here for one year : )
My first and favorite chatroom Parachat: where I have met the most wonderful people online! Thank goodness for the IGNORE USER button!
Lakota Wowapi Oti Kin This site is perhaps, in my humble opinion, the most comprehensive on the Lakota people. I am very proud to say that I know Ray Bucko personally. He was a teacher of mine at Red Cloud, and we have remained friends and in contact since I was in highschool. Check out his book, "The Lakota Ritual of the Sweat Lodge," on www.amazon.com : )
El Paso,TX..Sun City, USA This is the city I live in now. Take a look around!
The Shroud of Turin A fascinating study!
Kahlil Gibran The Prophet
Saints Find out who is the Saint for today.
12 Steps Alcoholics Anonymous,Al-Anon, and Ala-teen's 12 steps to recovery. There is help and hope.
Web Cam Have you ever met someone online, from another town, State, or Country, and wanted to know what it looks like where they live? Check this site out!

Kramer, Fishing Guide to the Stars Kramer Wetzel did my Birth chart, while at a fair here in El Paso. A fun, light-hearted look at Astrology.
MY NATAL CHART This is the written part of my chart reading done by Kramer Wetzel while he was in El Paso. Pretty boring stuff, no doubt, to anyone else but me...well, unless you were born at the exact moment I was, in the exact same spot!
Astrology.net Kelli Fox and her Free Astrological site.
Astronet Homepage A one-stop comprehensive sort of site. I enjoy this site, because its a good source of information on Astrology. It actually teaches you ABOUT astrology, using layman's terms.
The Astrology Zone This site gives GREAT month long horoscopes. Susan Miller is my favorite.
Astroadvice Provides a free birth chart.

MY PICTURE PAGE Check out pictures of my family here.

PAUL'S PAGE I walked a mile with Pleasure, She chattered all the way; But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow And ne'er a word said she; But, oh, the things I learned from her When Sorrow walked with me! - Along the Road, by Robert Browning Hamilton

INDIAN CARS NEVER DIE... If you are an Indian ...aka Native American, for the "politically correct" : )..you will enjoy this page! I got this article from my dad, during a time when I was having my own Indian car troubles and he said "it hits the nail on the head." He also has a theory about Indian cars: back in the old days, an Indian man's wealth was measured by the number of horses he owned. In modern times, an Indian man's wealth is measured by the number of Indian cars he has in his front yard!

I HAVE LEARNED... I am still learning.

THE TRUTH... A must read, especially if you have read I HAVE LEARNED!

DESIDERATA Words to live by.

A LAKOTA LEGEND The Creation of the Lakota People

THE SACRED PIPE ~for Gareth~ Black Elk's account of the White Buffalo Calf Woman's gift to the Lakota.

DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING I added this page as a gentle reminder for myself


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This page was last updated on July 14, 2004.

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