The Lantern

Produced by Vindicator III every now and then. Price FREE


The time is rapidly approaching when I am going to have to go out and buy a book on HTML programming. I am fiddling about in here trying to make all sorts of things happen on screen with no real idea of what I am doing. I am sure that I could make a much better site if I got myself organised and went out and spent some money! Meantime, I will just have to carry on as best I can.

This is an experimental page to see if I can make different things appear on the page in the exact place I want them to.

 I often wish that I knew what I was doing! I bet you wish that too.

Vindicator III

'The Lantern' was the name of a newsletter that I produced many years ago on my Amstrad CPC6128 micro computer. It was done purely for fun and did not exactly have a wide circulation. I decided to use the name, and the logo again in this experimental page for the web. I have no idea yet if I will ever do anything else with it and I may just take it off again but for the moment, here it is.

By the way, the picture above right is where I produce all this stuff. Crowded huh? Out of shot to the left are my Amiga and Amstrad! And here is the Amiga with its MASSIVE 20Mb hard disc and three floppy drives.



What else would be nice to put on here that might be of interest? Well, as some of you may or may not know, I have a passion for adventure games. Especially the Colossal Cave and Zork styles. In fact I used to write text-only adventure games myself and sold them commercially through a large publishing house. I have recently completed Zork, The Grand Inquisitor and Zork, Nemesis. If anyone needs hints, maps or full solutions to these and a whole host of other games, especially Infocom ones, give me a call.

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