Adventure Quest

Welcome, Adventurer, to my humble lodgings.

Word has preceded your coming and I am aware of your needs in seeking my aid. The news of your journey and the valiant manner in which you have undertaken it bring great honour to you and I feel proud that you have chosen me, of all the Mages, Wizards and Sorcerers in the Kingdom, to assist you at this time.

My powers are great though not unlimited and I have gathered together a great number of folios, documents, scrolls and other magical artefacts containing all manner of hints, clues, suggestions and solutions to a vast number of Adventure Quests.

Using the spell 'Gnusto' developed by the great thaumaturge Berzio in 769 GUE, I will eventually get all these clues entered into my Magnum Opus, my life's work Book of Spells and Solutions.

Until that work is completed I must ask you to follow a different route to find the answers to your questions.

I will set out here a list of all the adventures to which I have full or at least partial solutions. Wander through the list and see if the Adventure you are currently having problems with is shown. If it is then contact me through the address given at the end of the catalogue telling me which Adventure and which problem you are calling about. I will endeavour to send you an early reply with either a subtle hint, a more obvious clue or a complete solution. Make sure you let me know which type of answer you require. If the Adventure you need help with is not listed, you can still call me and I will see if I have had any more documents arrive which may not yet have been catalogued. Failing that I will search out an answer if it is at all within my sphere of influence to find.


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