Gottfried Family Pictures

These are some of the latest pictures of the family.

Most of my friends have not even seen my latest tax deduction: Rachel Alexandra.

These pictures were taken for our church directory circa 3/97. Rhonda was pregnant with Rachel at the time. Forgive Brian's appearance, he lost his cookies not long after the photo shoot.

Here is Rachel's latest picture - 1 year.

Rachel - 1 year

Here is Christopher at about 3 1/2 years.

Christopher - 3 1/2 years

Here is Julie at about 6 1/2 years.

Julie - 6 1/2 years

Here is Julie & Christopher circa 3/97.

Julie & Christopher circa 3/97

Here is Julie & Christopher circa 3/97.

Julie & Christopher circa 3/97

Here is Brian and Rhonda circa 3/97.

Brian & Rhonda circa 3/97

Here is the Gottfried family circa 3/97 - before Rachel's birth.

Family circa 3/97

Last updated: 9-1-1998

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