Amazing Grace!

Copyright © 1996, David Naquin

Amazing Grace How Sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
Today my heart sings out with joy
My Savior has set me free.

I've lived a life so filled with pain
A life so filled with sin
At first I didn't hear him
When he said "child let me in".

In bondage to a life of sin
I wanted to be free
At last my heart in great despair
Cried "Oh God please help me".

At once a peace I can't explain
I'll never understand
Why he reached out to me today
And whispered "take my hand".

"The road ahead I'll walk with you
I'll help you bear the pain.
The trials ahead you must endure
Your tears will fall like rain.

I died for you my precious child
Now your cross you must bear.
Just remember when you start to fall
Reach out your hand, I'm there."

The road I've paved is hard to walk
I've stumbled on the way.
But His gentle hands always pick me up
And guide me through the day.

Some day my road He'll pave with gold
Through tears I clearly see
When He touched my heart
He took all my sins
To the cross on Calvary.


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