
February 06, 19986 pounds 13 ounces19 inches
February 19, 19986 pounds 15 ounces19 inches
February 26, 19987 pounds 12 ounces19 1/2 inches
March 26, 199810 pounds 2 ounces23 inches
June 19, 199815 pounds 6 ounces26 inches
August 20, 199817 pounds 10 ounces27 1/2 inches
December 6, 199821 pounds 6 ounces30 inches
February 12, 199924 pounds 6 ounces33 inches
August 19, 199930 pounds35 inches
Age 4!!53 pounds3ft 6in

Raised head: since 1 1/2 months
click to see a larger view

Raised head and pushed up on arms: since 3 months
Focused eyes and followed objects: since 1 1/2 months
Turned over: Back to stomach -4mos., then not again until 6 months old. Stomach to back - 6 1/2 months.
Genuine smile: 2 months
Laughed out loud: 4 months
Grasped and held objects: At12 weeks - holds rattle firmly.4 months reaches and grabs well.
Slept through the night: 3 mos. old - went from mommy and daddy's room to his own room.
Saying Dada: 6 months
Put foot in his mouth: 7 months
Does push ups and slides backwards trying to crawl: 7 months old.
Sits up: 6mos. for short periods at 7 1/2 mos. until he reaches for something.
Holds on to furniture to support standing and grabs things off the table: 7mos.
Claps his hands! HE does this every morning as soon as he wakes. And when we say yay!:8mos.
Getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth: 8mos.
Eating Cheerios! : 8mos.
Crawling!: 8mos. Thanksgiving weekend at Grandma and Grandpa F's ( going for the phone cord!).
1st Teeth!!: 8 1/2mos. October 28th, 2 bottom front
Pulling up on us and the furniture!: 9mos. Up on his knees getting into everything.
Chicken Pox!: November 20, not too bad. He did not even notice.
Says Mama!: 9 1/2 mos. (finally! haha).
Cruising the furniture and climbing the stairs: 10mos.
Top left tooth popping through: 10mos. Dec. 6th
His 1st ear infection: 10mos. Dec. 9th on antibiotics for 1 week.(Amoxicillin)
Standing on his own!: 10mos.Dec.13th
Top right tooth popping through: 10mos.Dec.16th
Ear infection is back :( had to take him into emergency : December 24th (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazo)
Says "Tata" and holds out object to share: 11mos.
Says "HI" while waving : 11mos. Jan. 11th
3 more teeth popping through (2 on top & one on bottom): 11mos. Jan. 18th
Adam's 1st steps!! He took 4 : Jan. 25th

Celebrated his 1st Birthday!! : Feb. 6th 1999 CHECK OUT HIS BIRTHDAY PAGE
Officially Walking!! : Feb. 8th

Adam can scribble on paper: Feb 9th
Builds with his blocks : Feb. 10, 1999
Tooth #8 bottom left : Feb. 20th 1999
Another ear infection - clarithromycin : Feb. 13th 1999
Ear infection not cleared up yet - Pediazole : Feb. 20th 1999
Says Up, Down and raises hands up and down (like the Pooh song) : March 20th 1999
Places differents sized blocks in appropiate holes in puzzle : March 20th 1999
Can climb the stairs(we stand behind him): Big bro left the backdoor opened and we found him playing in the back yard (do not know how he got down the stairs!)
Another ear infection - Suprax: March 21, 1999
blows kisses: April, 1999
goes down the stairs on his bum: May, 1999
:June, 1999
dancing all the time he hears music says-"byebye", "hi", Alex="Ayex", nightnight "nyenye", "Nuknuk" for his paci.
Starting to go to sleep without his pacifier.
goes swimming and kicks his legs and waves his arms
Adam goes down the stairs on his bum very well now
August 1999
: vocabulary blowout! He is starting to mimick and says a variety of things like, bird, bees, dog, milk, elmo, kitty, choo-choo.
adam loves Elmo and Barney
September 1999
Four more teeth ~ eye teeth

He can build with his blocks and likes to knock them down, he says "up" while he is biulding and "down" when he demolishes them

October 1999
Adam is starting to talk in sentences. He says "Ayex (ALEX) gone bye bye" and "Don't touch the tone (PHONE)" He loves books and points to all the pictures and names them, like SUN, UMBRELLA ("brella"), DOG, KITTY, MOUSE, BANANA, SHOES, HOUSE, DUMP TRUCK, CAR, BOAT etc...
He can count to 3 and is starting to distinguish between different colours.