Welcome to Sparrow's nest

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Midi Click here to listen Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion

I'm so glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy viewing my pages as much as I did creating them! Within these pages you will find:
Icq greetings, midi files, photos, graphics, poems, webrings, and much much more so get comfy and explore.

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Icq greetings index
The Kiss Teddy Hugs A Friend Like You Night Rider
Sunshine The Best Times Being With You Special Friend
Happy Birthday Reserved Reserved Reserved

Midi file index
I'll be missin U Love Fool One of Us Rhapsody What's forever 4
Bite the dust Can't Help Fallen Entersandman Escapade Self Esteem
Free Fallen Heart Will Go On If Tomorrow Never Foolish Games Everything I Do

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My Personal Pages

button grahicMy homepage (Info, photos, favorite sites and more)

button graphicSarah's photo album (Pics of my sweet little girl)

button graphicIf You Believe(PAGE DEDICATED TO SARAH)

My Poem Pages

button graphicOn The Wings Of An Angel (A nice poem about angels)

button grahicDear Friends(Dedicated to all my cyber-friends)

button graphicCherished Memories(In memory of my father in law)

button graphicOnly A Dream(One of my first pages. about unicorns)

My Graphics Pages

button graphicRonda's Web Graphics(Everything from bordred to tiles)

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Visit the webrings page ring below. They make surfing the web so much easier if you see one you like please feel free to join! they do help increase traffic to your site.


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