"One Cool Davis Home Page"

Welcome to Davis Road!

Hi! We're Michael and Bonnie Davis; a southern Christian family of Welsh, French and Native American descent.

My ancestors, Welsh Quakers and Baptist, entered America in the 1600s. My record is not complete. but I believe that they entered Pennsylvania. I have ancestors among the Cherokee and Creek Nations. You will see record of my genealogy here.

Beyond that, the page is filled with our ideas on various personal interest with corresponding "hot-links" and also items of spiritual interest. When searching our outside links, most of them open in a new window, so, simply close that one to return to this index. It is a pleasure to have you visit with our family--please do so, often.

We move into this webpage on 07/03/98.

Our interests are:
Hunting, fishing, genealogy,christian life.

Davis Road.Com is the webportal to all of our family websites


Davis Family Genealogy

Family Ministers and Missionaries


Hunting, Firearms and Reloading


Rabun Church--Our House of Worship

Native Nations Christian Assembly

Ruthie' Room

Wesley's Works

Dedicated to those who "walked the trail where we cried"

Email me atM.D.Davis@juno.com, my business address..
Please come back soon and visit me.

Copyright 1997-2003, Michael D. Davis d/b/a Miracle Marketing