My Spring Turkey


Due to shift work, I didn't get to turkey hunt very much the spring of 1998. The one time that I did go was very productive, however. One morning I gathered up my equipment and went down to one of our food plots. My father has mentioned to me that he observed a gobbler and hens on this plot on the previous day. I made my best sneak to the edge of 1 1/2 acre plot, got into position and gave a series of low yelps on a raspy diaphram call. About three or four minutes, later, I squeaked them out again. A few minutes later, I was looking down, preoccupied about something and when I raised my head, I saw a big hen entering the plot from my left and directly behind her, a 10inch gobbler. I guess they had been resting in the edge of the woods and she just could not stand the thought of someone else out there foraging in the plot. At any rate, I made a nice 40yd shot on this silent gobbler.

Papaw got one, too

And that's the story of my fourty minute hunt..

I have nothing to report for 1999--I just had to work.

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