A Trevathan Family Tree

This photo is the Family of Claudia and Henry Louis Trevathan, taken ca. 1926.
Claudia and Henry Louis are the Great Grandparents of
Louis B. Trevathan, Jr. who put this on the web.

Home Card (This is the starting point)

This Trevathan Geneology was created with Reunion 7.0 for the Mac
Please send any comments, additions, corrections to Louis B. Trevathan, Jr.. aka "Buzz" utilizing either my email or snail mail address.
Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and that new information will be added on a routine basis. So far I have loaded only 90
"Family" cards out of over 5000 that I have in my data base. I will eventually have all of them here on line. Likewise as I receive more
photos I will be adding them so, Enjoy!

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www.cristofs.com This is my Business web site.
Cristof's is an Online Gallery in Santa Fe, NM where
we feature Museum quality Native American Art
with an emphisis on contemporary Navajo weaving.
P.O. Box 23597
Santa Fe, NM 87502
505 984-1417 (Home Number)
505 820-2271 Cristof's Gallery

Created 26 Sep 2000 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.