Kelsie Says the Darnest Things

Here are a few quotes that Kelsie has come up with all by
herself. If you have a quote that you would like to submit,
send it to us with a short description. Enjoy.

"Let's Laugh, hahahaha."
   -when hiding under the covers with her parents.

"Lights on outside. Wake Up."
   -the first thing she says when she wakes up before her parents.

"My eyes are closed."
   -when they are really not and her mom and dad are telling her to close them to go to sleep.

"You sing big and I will sing small."
   -when she wants you to sing in a deep voice while she sings in a high voice.

"...he is VERY strooong."
   -Kelsie's addition to "Jesus Loves Me".

"I want to read a Jesus loves me book."
   -when she wants to read bible stories.

"I want to wear my sailboat shoes."

"Where's my Kristi."
   -submitted by Aunt Kristi.

"I miss my Kristi."
-submitted by Aunt Kristi.

"Take cheeses of I."
-When handing her Aunt Kristi a camera.

Coming soon: Kelsie's Favorite Songs.