Little Bit Of Everything
My Desktop Calendars are made in the 1028x768 pixel format. Each month I will post three or more new calendars, so be sure to come back. Just click on the thumbnail for my calendars. You will be transfered to my other site where I now feature them. If you wish you could bookmark my "Doreen's Haven" homepage or just return here for my Desktop Calendars.

I am sorry that will be unable to make any calendar until further notice due to uncontrolable circumstances. © Andoni Canela/ASA

If you would like to know where I find some of the material for my calendars and my web pages be sure to click onto my Links Button at the bottom of this page. There are a lot of interesting and wonderful links for you to browse through.

Thank You for stopping to browse around. I have This and That and not a lot of Anything, my best feature is my Desktop Calendars, but of course that is just my own personal opinion. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page, there you will find the buttons to my other interests. Enjoy!

365 Cats Calendar... "Workman Publishing New York"

Cat Fancy A Year of Cats
1999 Year-In-A-Box-Calendar..."Fancy Publications, Inc."

Captivating Cats Calendar..."Cedco Publishing Company"


My other sources are pictures I have scanned myself or I have obtained them from my favourite and

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