I was born on the 21th of February 1995 in Sigdal near Kongsberg, eastern Norway. I have 8 siblings all over the country. I have only seen one of my sisters since we all went to our new owners, but it would be neat to meet some of them again. I have met my father once, but it was at a dog show and we couldn't mess up the groomed furs, so we didn't really play. Maybe some other time.
On the 29th of April my owners brought me home. My "mom" had wanted a briard (check out the Chen Berger de Brie-page) for years, but the time had never been right. It was a warm day and I had been through an awful car ride. My owner obviously wanted a calm briard and they picked me. Now they didn't know the reason I was so quiet was that I was so car sick, but somehow I don't think they have regretted their choice.
When I was a puppy I was so lazy I figured, why stand up eating when I can easily do it lying down? I did that most of the time. I soon realized that my "mom" was very determined with the comb. Every day I had to get my fur done. She used to tell me what a long fur I would get when I grew up so I had to be prepared for the grooming. And she was right. My fur is long and thick, but I love the grooming.

I live with my owners in the south of Norway. They are married and I'm going to have a brother or sister (not a puppy) in October. My "mom" keeps growing and growing which keeps it easier for me to outrun her to go visit the beautiful female next door, especially when she's in heat..woo hoo!
My worst enemy in life are the flies. They sure drive me nuts the way they fly around teasing and buzzing around me. My owner is pretty nervous when I start snapping at them, because I can't tell the difference between a fly and a wasp, so she's afraid I might snap a wasp and get my tongue stung or something. I guess if that happened it still wouldn't get me from snapping at them. They are mean buggers!
All in all I have a great life. I get my walks, get my cuddle, get my sleep (in my owners bed or couch) and my food.
Who could ask for more?

The Shivas' Story continues...

Getting a "sister" was not so bad as I thought! She's actually pretty cool. She's now almost 3 years old and my "mom" has taught her to bring me my food. Gotta love her for that! I pay her back by looking after her whenever there comes strangers trying to talk to her. They gotta be accepted by me first, before they can go anywhere near her! So I look after her!

After years of torturing my parents when the female dogs in the neighbourhood was in heat, they decided it was time to take a time-out! So in June they took me to the vets to have me castrated. I'm not really sure what to think of a way it's kinda relaxing not to get these urges, but on the other was kinda fun as well. But all in all, I have a good life now. The only thing is, after the operation I totally love food!!! I can't seem to get enough of it! My "mom" says I'm getting fat and I'm even more lazy than I used to be. Oh well, it's her fault, isn't it?
The one major positive aspect for me in all this though is the fact that I don't have to enter any more of those stressing dog shows. So from now on I will only be visiting those shows and I think I like that very much!

At the same time as I had my operation, my best friend, Juster, got lucky and a couple of months later he became a dad! Lucky bastard! His "mom" has made him a totally awesome homepage! It's really worth a visit and his "mom" is way better than mine when it comes to updates and stuff. The link to the page is in the Link-page.

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