Hi, and welcome to my friends page. In this page I'm going to tell you all about my fellow briard friends in my hometown. We go to the forest every Sunday at noon and we have a great time!

I will probably add pictures of each friend eventually, but for now...this is what you get. Hope you enjoy it!

Xhantos - He is the leader of the gang. He's a big briard and has a  pretty determined mind. He won't take no shit from anyone! In my growing up I tried to challenge him for the leader role a few times, but he always put me in my place. So now we just stay clear of each other and everything is just fine.
He was imported from Denmark when he was 8 months old. His owner, Lise, enters him in all kinds of obedience competitions, and he seem to enjoy it. He's very good at it!
He also lives with the love of my life, Gina of Styriville.

 Here are some facts about Xanthos:
Name:              Nitouche's Xanthos
Date of birth:   07.12.93
Dad:                 Filou von Druufon
Mom:               Nitouche's Zacha

Gina - She is a gorgeous female, and also my aunt..sigh. But I can look and flirt a little can't I? She is about 6 years old and a very happy-go-easy briard. She, like her roommate Xhantos is determined, but a little milder in her ways. Her owner, Maggie, used to enter her in both exterior and obedience competitions but like me she doesn't like them shows much, so now she's a cuddly family dog. My owners think I behave a lot like my aunt. I'm supposed to be just as stubborn and just as good sucking up when I have done something wrong. I, of course, have no idea what they are talking about!
Here are some facts about Gina:

Name:              Gina of Styriville
Date of birth:   11.05.92
Dad:                 N uch Ramboulett Sacko
Mom:               N uch Jenkas Gentilise Fauve
Breeder:           Torill and Anne-Grethe Lie

Juster - He is a very good friend of mine. He's a little younger than me, but we get along just long as I get to be the boss! He usually tease me and then run away hiding between any legs he can find so I can't get to him, but it's all in good fun. His owners, Turid and Eivind, keeps entering him in all kinds of exterior competitions and one of these days I know he's gonna get his first certificate. Turid is a very good photographer, so you should check out some of the pictures of Juster in the PhotoGallery. They are beautiful!

Here are some facts about Juster:

Name:             Coeur d'Amour's Sans Egal
Date of birth:    19.10.96
Dad:                Gnome Fauve De La Chaume Du Bois Dieu
Mom:               N DK Uch Felicia of Styriville
Breeder:           Kennel Coeur d'Amour v/Monika og Harald Thorsen


Other friends to be added soon:



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