English Branch
b. ~1472 Warborough, Oxfordshire, England
|                            |                       |
John BARTHOLOMEW            Robert                  Richard
b. ~1499
m(1) ________ unknown            m(2) Alice SKUTTOR
b. ~1528
d. 14 Nov 1578
m. 6 Nov 1552
Margaret JOGAS (JOYES?)
b. ~1531
d. 20 Sept 1578
ch. 7 Feb 1567
d. 6 May 1634                                   Wm. METCALF
m.                                                    |
Friswede METCALF--------------------------------------
of Burford, England
b. 9 Feb 1568/1569
d. 10 Dec 1647
American Branch; arrived Boston 16 Sept 1634
b. 1602/1603
d. 18 Jan 1680/1681, age 78
m. England
Ann LORD, sister of Robert LORD
d. 29 Jan 1682/3
b. 1640 Ipswich
d. 1697 Branford, CT
m. 17 Dec 1663
Mary JOHNSON (dau of Cpt. Isaac JOHNSON and Elizabeth PORTER)
b. 24 Apr 1642
b. 1 Nov. 1664 Roxbury, MA
d. 25 Oct 1727 Branford
m. ~ 1694
Rebecca FRISBIE------------dau. of John FRISBIE
b. 14 Nov 1679
d. May 1738
b. ca. 1695
b. 1726/7
b. 1758/9
b. 6-8-1788
Orange Adams
b. Whitehall, NY, 15 May 1815
d. Jonesville, MI, 11 Aug 1889
m. 13 Sept 1838
Sarah Chapin WRIGHT
b. 24 Sept 1816
d. 22 Sept 1895
b. MI 6 Oct 1840
d. Galveston, TX 15 Aug 1895
m. Jonesville, MI, 23 Dec 1863 (in Hill county according to one source)
William Henry SINCLAIR
b. Akron, OH 31 Oct 1838 (? Medina County ?)
d. Rochester, NY, 11 Jan 1897, buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Galveston, TX

William Bartholomew, son of Frieswede of Burford, England. Left Bristol with brothers Henry and Richard; via ship Griffith, arrived Boston 18 Sept 1634; soon after made freeman of Boston and Apr 25, 1635, granted several tracts of land in Ipswich. May 6, 1635, appeared at the General Court in Boston as representative of Ipswich. He had then been in America only 7 months. Removed from Ipswich to Boston in 1660, and from Boston to Charlestown in 1679, in which city died Jan. 17, 1680. Source: History of Hartford, Vermont," by William Howard Tucker. 1889: The Free Press Assoc., Vermont.
1900 Fayette, Hillsdale, MICHIGAN Series: T623 Roll: 713 Page: 82 Herbert Bartholomew, 47, male, white, b. MI, b. NY, b. NY, day laborer 1880 census, Jonesville, Hillsdale, MI Orange A. (?) Bartholomew, 65, white, male, livery keeper, NY, NY, NY Sarah Bartholomew, 63, white, female, wife, keeping house, NY, NY, VT Arthur Bartholomew, white, Male, 30, son, at home, Mich, NY, NY Herbert Bartholomew, 23, white, male, at home, Mich, NY, NY Percie Bartholomew, 18, white, daughter, at home, Mich, NY, NY Phoebe Wright, 90, white, mother-in-law, at home, VT, VT, VT 1870 census Fayette, Hillsdale, MICHIGAN Series: M593 Roll: 673 Page: 290 O. A. Bartholamew, 55, white, male, keeping livery, b. NY Sarah C. Bartholamew, 54, female, white, keeping house, b. NY Ellen F. Bartholamew, 24, female, white, doing house work, b. MI Arthur Bartholamew, 21, male, white, at home, b. MI Herbert Bartholamew, 16, male, white, at school, b. MI Mary Bartholamew, 13, female, white, at school, b. MI Percey Bartholamew, 9, female, white, at school, b. MI John Keating, 16, male, white, farm hand, b. MI Phebe Wright, 80, female, white, at home, b. MA 1860 Jonesville, Hillsdale county, Michigan, page 177 Orange A. Barthomew 45 livery establishment 6000, 5000 NY Sarah Barthomew 45 NY Eugene Barthomew 21 student-college MI Lorine Barthomew 18 teacher MI Alice Barthomew 17 MI Ellen Barthomew 14 MI Arthur Barthomew 10 MI Henry Barthomew 9 MI Herbert Barthomew 6 MI Mary Barthomew 3 MI 1850 Scipio, Hillsdale county, Michigan Page 444, Roll M432_351 age sex born Orange A Bartholomew 35 male farmer NY Sarah Bartholomew 34 female NY Eugene Bartholomew 12 son MI Loraine Bartholomew 10 female MI Alice Bartholomew 7 female MI Ellen Bartholomew 5 female MI Arthur Bartholomew 2 male MI Sylvester Daniels 21 male farmer NY
Burials at Sunset View Cemetery, Fayette, MI:
Orange A. Bartholomew, May 15, 1815 - August 11, 1889
Sarah C., his wife, born September 24, 1816, died September 22, 1895

Bartholomew Home, Jonesville, MI. On the back of this photograph is written, "O. A. Bartholomew home in Jonesville, Michigan. Percie Wissner. 1986--still in existence--restored." Percie may be the one that was written to when Loraine Phebe BARTHOLOMEW died (see letters of condolence from William H. SINCLAIR and Eugene BARTHOLOMEW).

Commemorative Biographical Record of Hartford county, Connecticut, Chicago: J. H. Beers and Co., 1901
Family data

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