A rose for Sheba A rose for Canio
A rose for Evie A rose for Mika
The Family Reunited
Sheba, Canio and the babies, Little Evita (Evie) and Little Sparrow (Mika)

(Sheba was the first born of the litter delivered by Ceasarian. Because she was not breathing the veterinarian disposed of  her right away in a trash can and looked after the other puppies needing help.  The trash can was by a window where the sun shone on the little body.    Several minutes later, they heard gasping sounds coming from the trash can.  Sheba was alive.  She had a difficult begining and a tragic life)
Sheba was
The Chosen Child
In heaven where man is judged and animals are monitored, it was a day full of apprehension.
A fur-child —  a precious chosen child  was born,  reluctant to be.
In the radiance and splendor of an early spring morning, the Sun was up and ready to assist.  "Breathe, my precious child" he whispered as his warm rays caressed the little body.  "As the one selected to speak for all species, you have no choice but to obey.  Your destiny is written —   you must be brave."
The child, a little girl-puppy was hesitant, afraid of living in this world of unknown.
A world of strange faces and haunted eyes.  A world with hands that love and hands that harm.
To sleep in the security of her Goddess was so much easier than to struggle in this universe of uncertainties.
But the Goddess had plans for her beloved child. Wearied that her tears turned to rivers
each time terror and screams reached her heaven, she had now to send the most gentle of all
to teach humankind a lesson,  never to be forgotten.
Human must realize that though, faces of fur do not speak alike, they love and feel much like human do.
She determined that behind closed doors where halls are white and cages are polished,
no doubt is where  the message must commence.
Her heart heavy with grief, her eyes filled with tears she was now sending a last challenge:
Her innocent child for human to care.
The help of her sun she enlisted to give courage to this child in charge.
For such a crusade it was no small task for a little puppy who was never asked.
A loving kiss, a caress of the furry head, She whispered in her ear
"I am sorry child so dear,  but you must be brave so that others like you can live and play without falling prey
to anger and greed.
"Go Angel of Love.
A queen you will be on a certain day,  with your family you will be happy.
Go, my precious child.
As you look back, then you'll realize that your sacrifices were never in vain."

A little puppy was born one spring day.  She lived and died to tell the world that we must treat all  creatures with kindness and compassion.  Her mission accomplished, her sacrifices noticed  she now lives in peace where love reigns and pain is faraway.   She wants all to know that though her kingdom is grand, her happiness complete, we must never forget the little puppy who gave her life for others to be.
Remember Sheba Always
Marcelle Thompson
Sheba's Candle courtesy of Nancy Pilotte.


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