Welcome to the home page of
Karen (Chapman) Beavers

Welcome!  To my site, it is not one of those that will dance out at you, but I do hope that you will find interesting information here. 
I am updating this page on July 20, 2000. 
I am adding links to the COLLIER side of my family.  I found them on the INTERNET....imagine that.  you can too just start searching for those "lost family members." Life is too short to not keep in touch with family and friends.

This picture to the left is especially important to me today. As some of you may know we lost my brother Tom Chapman, May 2, 2000.  He was a person that loved his country and served it for 29 years in the US Army.  His death was very unexpected and tears still well up in my eyes when I think about him.  Now you know why I say, Life is too short not to keep in touch.

I will be teaching Family & Consumer Sciences in the Fall of 2000 at Lawton High School, here in Lawton Oklahoma.  Although I have done most of my graduate work in history, my undergraduate work was in Family Science.  So I am looking forward to a very fun filled year. 

One of the eras that I am especially found of is the 1920s and 1930s.   It was a time in our history of change and invention especially
The Model A.  In our house, Darrel is the Model A expert.  Not only does he like to drive them, but he also rebuilds motors and restores them  He is currently working on a 1931 pickup.  If you have questions about Model A's email Darrel. 

I am a "hobby" genealogist and enjoy the fun of finding people who I might be related to in some way.  I have several lines I am researching at any one time.  Click on the button to the left to get to Karen's Korner & Kousins Too.  I have several pictures as well as GEDCOM files uploaded on Swingles, Burnards, Colliers, Gritman, and Chapmans. 

CHAPMAN, SWINGLE, BURNARD, GRITMAN, CISCO, COLLIER, EGGLESTON, BRACKETT, KEELER, STACEY, BROKENSHIRE, BEARD, COOK, and you know how the list grows..... but it is fun to dig and fine someone's name on documents that are over a 100 years old.

To go to the
Swingle Web Site This site is beginning for those researching the Swingle name.  It is especially designed for descendants of Hans Ulrich Swingle.

Click on this link to go to information about the family of
Joab & Theodocia (Keeler) Collier.  I am really excited about finding some of my long lost cousins. 

If you haven't seen it yet...

The Oklahoma National Memorial in Oklahoma City is really something that makes you stop and think.  The citizens of Oklahoma, as well as those of the United States, were assaulted in a harsh and cruel manner in the spring of 1995.  This year on April 19th the 5th anniversary of the bombing of the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City the National Memorial was dedicated.  When you walk down into the site and see the reflecting pool and the two ends of the site with the minute missing symbolized, you cannot help but be awed by the magnitude of the love of the people that saw a need and had a vision for this memorial. 

I remember seeing the building just a week or two after the bombing and when I go back today and see the memorial, my heart hurts for the memories that will always live at the site. 

I will be adding pictures  took at the
very soon

Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society (SWOGS)
History today and everyday

Pages about quilts

Christian Sites for all ages
Listening to Charles Stanley
Pages that make you smile

Pages that make you feel good

A special thanks to Viki and her "meece" friends for adding a little extra.  If you are interested in her many, many graphics, click on the logo.

Click on picture to go to the history page about Fort Sill OK.  The Apache chief Geronimo is buried at Fort Sill. 


[   WHS CLASS OF 1918   ]          [   SWINGLE PHOTOS   ]          

            [   GEOCITIES    ]                    [   COLLIER INFO & PHOTOS    ]