Life has me too busy right now to keep this updated. I am so sorry. If you like the idea, feel free to start your own swapping group. It's a lot of fun. This page lists the members and the punches own. When you "need" a particular punch shape, you may e-mail the members directly to arrange a trade. (Remember, we are trading the punch confetti, not the punches themselves - the postage on swapping actual punches would be far too pricey.) Be sure to request trades from members who do not already own all of the same punches that you own so that the trade will be worthwhile for both parties (or volunteer to swap other small items such as die cuts or stickers). Please be courteous, prompt, and honest in your swaps. If life becomes to hectic and you wish to be removed from the group - or if by some miracle you acquire every punch you could possibly want - please e-mail me.