9-Patch and Hourglass
(completed block—6 1/2 inches unfinished)


  • quilter’s neutral (muslin, beige) plain
  • quilter’s neutral print
  • colored fabric

2- 1 1/2 x 15" strips of colored fabric for 9-patches
2- 1 1/2 x 6" strips of neutral (plain) fabric for 9-patches
2- 4 1/2" squares of plain neutral
2- 4 1/2" squares of print neutral

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9-Patch Block

  1. Take 1-1 1/2 x 15" colored strip. Cut it into 2-6" and 1-3" length
  2. Sew 6" lengths of colored fabric to both sides of neutral 1 1/2 x 6" strip. Sew 3" muslin strips to both sides of colored fabric 3" strip (fig. A&B)
  3. Cut each strip set into 1 1/2" strips (fig. A&B)
  4. Sew 3 segments together to form a 9-patch square. (fig. C)


Hourglass Block

  1. Place one each of plain and print neutral 4 1/2" right sides together
  2. Draw diagonal lines from corner to corner in both directions
  3. Stitch a 1/4" seam on both sides of ONE diagonal line. Press. (fig. D)
  4. Cut apart on line between stitching. (fig E) Press open. (fig F) You will have two triangle squares. On wrong sides of one triangle square, extend the drawn line. Put two triangle squares, right sides together (print fabric on opposite sides) and the marked unit on top.
  5. Stitch a 1/4" seam on both sides of ONE diagonal line. (fig G) Press
  6. Cut the units apart between the stitching as before. Press both units open to get two hourglass blocks. (should measure 3 1/2" square with seam allowances. (fig H) Trim to size if necessary.

To finish the block, sew two hourglass and two 9-patch squares together following the diagram at the top of the page.