May Block of the Month

This block is to be made for turning in to the May 1998 meeting.  For as many blocks as you turn in, you may put your name in for drawing all of the blocks out.  Please either pin a piece of paper with your name to the blocks, or affix an address label.

Spring Fling!
(Broken Dishes)


The colors in the above graphic are not necessarily representational of how they will appear for this project.


Cut 4.5" squares of each of these fabrics: 2 white, 1 medium, and one dark to coordinate using spring colors.

Sew two block of white and dark fabric together with two seams, each 1/4" on either side of a line drawn from corner to corner. When cut between the two seams, this will produce two half squares of dark and white.

Perform the same procedure with white and medium fabrics.

Assemble block as indicated by the picture above.

This will produce a 7 3/4" unfinished block.