Brownie Girl Scouts...
* are 6 - 8 years old or in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Grade
* were named after the little elf that did secret good deeds and was known for being honest, fair and helpful.
* can wear a uniform that has several selections.
* have their own insignia and recognitions. They even have their own Brownie Smile Song!

The Brownie Girl Scout Handbook can tell you more about what Brownies are all about.

Local Brownie Troops have been busy! (see below)

Brownie Troop #14, Hyde Park,
and Brownie Troop #264, Hawley
wore classic Girl Scout uniforms and featured fashion shows

Brownie Troop #444, Tannersville,
created a necklace of fabric cookies to help the troop remember the cookie flavors.

Brownie Troop #476, Starrucca,
were visited by the animal rescue group, "Born To Be Wild."
The guests brought a turkey vulture, a screech owl, a crow and a small hawk for the girls to observe.

Brownie Troop #79, North Scranton,
were featured on TV for their efforts in assisting to clean Weston Field in Scranton.

Brownie Troop #398, East Stroudsburg,
visited Callie's Candy Kitchen

Brownie Troop #539, East Stroudsburg,
visited WSBG Radio and also learned about Maple Sugaring Day at the Meesing Environmental Center.

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