Grendel is . . .
Fun Facts:
A loveable, sweet 5 1/2-year-old cocker spaniel.  Her coloring is called "buff".    She has the cutest ears and tail you have ever seen!  She was adopted from the Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center and is a wonderful addition to our family. In April 2001, Grendel we adopted another dog, Augie so that Grendel would have a playmate.  Both Grendel and Augie share a toy box full of stuffed animals.
Grendel is named after the monster in the epic tale "Beowolf".  Of course, she's nothing like a monster !
She was originally given up to a shelter in West Virginia because her owners said she "cowered" when they yelled at her. I wonder why?
She doesn't know many tricks but she can stand on her back legs and beg, especially if you have food.
- Waffles!

- her leash (for walks)

- long naps

- going for drives in the car.

-watching bunnies and squirrels out the window

-treats (she'll eat almost anything)

-Her stuffed toy, "Moo"
- going to the vet

- being left home alone

- water, baths

-wearing her sweater

-going outside in the rain

-big mean dogs
Neat Links:
Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center
The Three Dog Bakery
This is a picture of Grendel as she looked when we first joined our family.  As you can see, her hair was pretty short.