My little spot on the web


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Hi !! My name is Hyla. I have had big dreams for a home page but limited knowledge so I did what any intellegent woman of the 90s would do, I had my husband learn HTML and teach me just enough to make a page. Now my homepage is better than his ! LOL Just kidding, maybe ! Let me tell you about myself. I am a 32 year old woman from Pittsburgh Pa. I have been married for 14 years. I have 2 children.(You will see them on this page) I love spending time on the internet. I chat on ICQ, my UIN is 13187091, for those of you who have ICQ and would like to say "HI". If you don't go to and get it or send me a message through my ICQ Online Message Panel (blue and white panel)...If I am online I will get it right away. I also like to read and have actually written a few poems. I love music and dancing. I enjoy going out and socializing with my husband and our friends. I hope you enjoy my page and come back soon..I will be updating soon !!!!!

I found something very cool you might want to check out if you enjoy chat on the internet. I was going to just tell you about it on this page but decided that there was so much to tell, so please check out my new link !


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My husband was a great sport about helping with this page. He taught me alot, maybe he can help you as well ! LOL, he also chats on ICQ, his UIN is 34715050 send him a message sometime! He has his own page and he has been neglecting it to help me. We have been on the net for 4 years now. We have made some nice "chat" friends on here. We have met most of them thru WBS chat. Nice place to chat if you get bored. My husband and I are huge hockey fans....supporting, of course, the home town boys PITTSBURGH PENGUINS!!!!! If you like the PENS will love my husbands page. Stop on by!!! My hubby also spends his summers playing softball..he has been playing for years. He plays for the Sports Page, its a local bar we like to hang out at with our friends from school and our old neighborhoods. I am making a link for the team this season.....please visit them !!!!


My Daughter

This is my daughter, "Chicky", she is 14 years old going on 25. She is a typical "teenager" she loves the Mall and the phone. She plays softball and is in the school chorus. She is as high spirited as they come, expressing an opinion on everything that happens in everyone life. My daughter is school gossip central. She regularly chats on the internet, mostly in WBS chat, there she is known as "Sparkles20366". She also has many interests. She loves music and dancing. She likes to read, especially teen magazines. She hopes to be a high school cheerleader as well as play on the high school softball is another pic.

To all you guys out there....we know she is beautiful but she is just as head strong as she is beautiful.... We have our hands full with this one !!!!

My Son

This is my son, "LilGator", he is 12 years old. He is our hockey player. He has played ice hockey for 8 years. We first put him on ice skates when he was 4...he could skate into the net and his head not touch the top. He plays defense and plays like his idol, Ulf Samuellson, he plays an aggresive game. We are very proud of him. This year he made his high school freshman team, he is a 6th grader playing on the freshamn team. He also likes to spend time on the internet, although he doesn't chat like his sister. He does chat with his friends through AOL instant messanger. He enjoys WWF wrestling and believes if he doesn't play hockey for the Colorado Avalanche he will be a wrestler for the WWF. Check out his hockey pic....

He is a cutie too, I know. Too bad though girls...if you don't have on skates or hockey equipment he won't even know you are there....LOL...

See if you are a chataholic !!!

MY GIRLS !!!!!

These are my girls. The cat is Samantha. She is a 7yr old Georgia Black Maine Coon. She is like the baby of the family. She is a good sport about me holding her and treating her like a baby. The dog is Dixie. She is a 5 yr old Shepard/Collie mix. She is a little spoiled but otherwise a good dog. Hope you enjoyed learning a little about me and my family...Come Back Soon!!!!! I will be updating regularly. I figure I may as well use the scanner and internet since they are here....LOL.

As I told you before I am from Pittsburgh. I have lived here all my life. I often tease about going south because the winters here can get pretty cold. I would love to be where its warm all the time, but I can not imagine leaving this beautiful city. Pittsburgh got a bad reputation because of the steel mills. Its no longer that way. We have cleaned up our beautiful city. Come take a peek into my home town !!!


People constantly asks me..."What do you do on the internet for hours at a time?" Obviously asked by a person who has never been on the web huh? Well I thought I would share with you the things I like to do on the web, maybe you will enjoy them too !!!!



Hubbys Home Page
RCs Home Page
Alishas Home Page
Bens PSU page

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