Sports Page Softball !!!!

Every summer we spend our sundays at the ball field, cheering on the "boys". We have been doing it for years. The kids and I actually look forward to this "family tradition" so to speak. The guys who play in the league in which the team is a part of is mostly the guys we grew up with or went to school with. I have agreed to not post their record or scores of their games, they say "its not about winning or losing, we are here to have fun". But I am sure its because they have not been doing so well....LOL. This year our team was sponser was "Sports Page Bar and Grill" fondly known as just "The Page". Its located in the beautiful Wilmerding PA. We like to hang out there on weekends sometimes, ok most of the time. It's where our friends hang out. I took some pictures at their game a few weeks ago they didn't turn out as well as I wished but I put the good ones on the page. I am going to take some more pictures this sunday and hope they turn out better.

This is "JC" making a play at second base. I know it looks like a routine play so why put it on here. Well let me tell you why, JC doesn't always show up....LOL....and when he does its a real special occasion. Whats even more special is he is actually making the play...he had a bad week last week. He is retiring after this year and well after last year and the year before that. Well I am sure he will be here again next year !

This is my hubby "Cobra" on 3rd base and "C" is the 3rd base coach. Well actually "C" is the teams coach, he runs the team.

This is "Cobra" at bat. I can't remember what happened at bat this time but they had a good game so let's just say he got a hit, a double sounds good !! LOL

This is my baby brother "Kev" at bat here. Kev isn't the best player in the league but he does show up every week....LOL....nah I have to admit he has improved over the last two years and he really contributes at the plate.

This is my hubby making a play at shortstop. He is a great player. He loves the sport. He spends 4-5 days on the field between coaching and playing.

This is the guys in the dugout, obviously ! Here you see "Bo" who is the closest, then my hubby, JC, and lighting up in the back is "Jack".

Here are some of the guys after the game enjoying a nice cold one ! From left tor ight they are Chuck, Mike (he has his back to you), Ray (you can just see his face), Kev, and "Ditter". Normally we all go to the "Sports Page" for some lunch and a drink but this week Jack treated the guys and we stayed at the field.

We really enjoy softball season. My kids and I go to all the games. The guys are really funny and they show my kids how NOT to play ball ! Just kidding. They really are not that bad I am just teasing them. Having fun, its what Sunday Softball is all about !

This is why the guys don't have too many fans at the game. Bo beats them up! We try to tell him he has to be nice to the fans or they won't come back. LOL..Just kidding, he is just having fun with some fo the boys who watch the games.


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