Christian Counseling and Training Center, CCTC Christian Counseling & Training Center, Inc.

Christian Counseling & Training Center

Renewed Living Through Scripture

The Christian Counseling and Training Center, Inc., CCTC, is located in Richmond, Virginia and provides on-site services in the greater Richmond and surrounding areas.

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Other Information about CCTC: Brief History of CCTC

CCTC is an interdenominational, non-profit ministry dedicated to bringing honor and glory to God by serving the Body of Christ and assisting local churches.

CCTC uses Biblical principles to teach, train and counsel.

CCTC encourages people to use Scripture to resolve personal and inter-personal problems
and to be available to help others to apply these truths in their lives.

Links to other sites on the Web

Needle's Eye Ministries
Peacemaker Ministries
Christian Ministries United
Christian Couseling & Educational Foundation
International Association of Biblical Counselors
National Association of Nouthetic Counselors
One By One
Immanuel Baptist

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