My Name is: Samuel Acosta

EnterEnterI was born in a farm called "Las Pelonas" outside the city of "Victoria De Las Tunas", CUBA, also lived in "Puerto Padre" and in "Céspedes". Thanks to my Father and my Mother, in 1969 they sacrificed leaving their own parents and family behind to bring my 3 brothers I to the land of freedom "The United States of America".

We lived in Spain [9 month]. Visited Paris, France; lived in Union City, New Jersey where my 4th brother was born, lived in 'Cayo Hueso' where I graduated from Key West High School [Class of 1976], then moved to Miami Florida, where i live happily married with three kids: Andres, Melissa and Veronica, but I would like to live in a farm where there is no city traffic, where people don't do everything in a rush. Please
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Now I work at the Olympia Heights Post Office. I plan to retire on Friday, August 5, 2011.

Visit a Site About Society Finches:
Society Finch
I have lots of birds, about 30 to 50 finches at any given time, [Zebra finches & Society finches] they all live in an aviary on the back yard here in hot sunny Florida, my Zebras are allways making love, so much that sometimes I sell some to the pet shop.
Visit a Zebra Finch Site:
Zebra Finch

And the Smartest Bird in the world the African Gray parrot.

Visit an African Grey Site:
African Gray
This bird not only repeats words, it is a virtual tape recorder, mimics the original sound so much that we get confused and answer back thinking it is a family member that just said something. Good thing we don't curse.
Some sounds "Walter" makes include an exact replica of a
soda can opening, car alarms, 'squiky' doors, dog, cat, furniture draging on the tile floor, foot steps in the quiet of the nite, children screaming and fighting [not to pleasant, but very funny], says "Good Nite", and in spanish it says "Hasta Luego" [good bye], and "Abajo Fidel" [Down with Castro.

We also have one Canary Wing parakeet & a Cat [not pictured].Line of Flowers Growing

My PictureThis picture was taken with the "Lojitech" video camera I got for Chrismas 1999 from Ana Cabrera.  
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Link to other pages created by me:

The Family Tree of Samuel Acosta
The Unoficial site of: Olympia Heights Post Office

Other Acosta Sites:

Horror Stories, by my son Andy & his girfriend Jill.
Sailor Moon Universe!, by my daughter Melissa.

Links to my favorite sites:

The Week in Pictures on MSNBC
"TerraServer" See Your house from outer space.


  This is my lates work Updated 4-2-2002
Yo may call it:
The Story of My Life by:
Samuel Acosta©

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