Work In Progress ….

Ok, whoever thinks a Stay-at-Home mom has lots of time on her hands doesn't have a clue!! Every time I start to work on the website, some one needs me. I am glad to be needed though!

Since we invited people to check out the website in our Holiday 2001 newsletter, I though I better get started since it hadn't been updated for a long time. So here is a very rough cut.

The following is an index to the pictures and stories we already have completed. Some of the pages don't have buttons on them to return to the main page. Please use your browser's back button.


Birth Stories
Daniel's Delivery
Cady's Captivity and Coming
(Sorry about the lack of pictures of Cady as a newborn. We will add some, as soon as we find them!)
Evan's Entrance
Jared's Journey  - (Under construction)
Jared's Online birth Announcement

Daniel  - 1996 (Under construction)
Fall/Winter of 1998
May 1999
July 2000
Halloween 2000
February 2001 - Formal Shots - White Background
February 2001 - Formal Shots - Black Background
February 2001 - Fun Shots
March 2001 - What a Month!
March 2001 - Family Shots and New Baby Jared
June 2001 (Under Construction)
December 2001
Pregnancy Pictures - 9/97 and 12/98

Newsletters and Newspaper Articles
Holiday 2001

Family Times  - June 27, 1999
(Evan was born at 36 wks 5 days, not full term as the article says.) The article is available in smaller pieces if needed.
