The Gauta Family Welcomes You to Their Website!
Our Wedding
Sarah, Joe, & Elena Gauta, December 2002
Weight Watchers
Our Dog
Our Kitty
Our House
Downtown Jacksonville
Downtown Tampa Bay
Joe's Stuff
Current Events
Click here to see what's been going on in the Gauta family lately!
Welcome!  The site is currently under construction so excuse the 'unfinished look' of some pages!  Enjoy your visit with us and come back often to see updated pictures.  Be sure to check out the 'Current Events' link below to see the most recent pictures, and don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Event Archives
Click here to see past events in the Gauta family.
We moved to Tampa, Florida in December of 2002.  We had a house built and moved into it on June 20, 2003.  We are really enjoying living in Tampa although we still miss Jacksonville and our Jaguars!
Go Jags!
Go Bucs!