Panda's Place

Welcome to my home page!!

You have now entered panda's place. This page is for friends to see what I like and who I am. Please BEAR with me because this page is still under construction.

This is a place to come if you want to feel welcomed in the world. I will try to make it as interesting as possible.

A little about myself. I am taking belly dancing classes at the present moment. I also practice Reiki, for those of you who don't know it's a hands on healing. My mom and I both are Reiki III's (this means we can teach Reiki to others) and we hope to open up our own business in the next month. I am also going to be starting school to get my massage therapist license. And in a couple of years I will be a fully licensed midwife.

Well you asked for them so here they are, pictures of me and my family. Check them out and share the beauty of my children with me.

Family Album

My favorite thing to do is chat so if you try out one of the chat rooms I put on this page you might actually catch me in there.

I love music so I have a page just for music.

Music Page

My sister got married on July 19th. Here are some pictures of that day.

Wedding Pictures

I will have a pet page soon!! This will be a place to enjoy our pets. They are part of the family too right? If you have pictures of your pets and you want to share them please e-mail them to me and I will add them.

Herbalife's Home Page. This is a page with information on Health and Nutrition products, targeted for weightloss. If you see something you like e-mail me and I can help you out. I'm a distributor.

Panda's Place Chat room

A cool chat I visit frequently

My dad's homepage

Very funny jokes (they can be offensive so be aware)

Homepage to my very good friend TimeLord

Thanks for stopping by. Please e-mail me if you have any links you would like to suggest for this page.


There have been visits to this page since July 1998.

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