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Historic Front Royal, Virginia

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Montel Williams Show


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Blue Mountain.com
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You have to see it for yourself!
Virginia's Ghosts



Hello, My name is Teresa, and this is my spot on the Wide World Web!

I glad you stopped by!!!

I am adding new stuff every day, come by often and see what's new!!

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Just Because
Top  10

10. Hug your love one 10 seconds later today
9. Smile and say hello to everyone you pass by today.
8.  Flirt with your spouse, if you don't have a spouse, flirt with a stanger.
7. Take a class on something , you always wanted to learn how to do. 6.Let your children have your full attention for a day
5. Forgive someone, life is to short! 
4. Sing out loud in a crowd, and enjoy it!
3. Volunteer at your child shcool. 
2. Call your long distance friend, and let them know you care.
1. Love your self,


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© 1984-2001 Teresa Henry