Home of Am/Can CH Glendawn Della Street and RiverOak Alchemy OnWisconsin!

Alchemy is a small hobby kennel located in Elk Grove Village, IL. We've recently moved, so we are down to just two dogs, which is strange, considering last year we had 10! But we are seriously thinking of adding a new dog to the mix so that we can start to show again.


Am/Can CH Glendawn Della Street (Sea Haven Flying Schooner, ROM X Selwyn The Court Reporter (4 CHs; 10pts, 1 major) was bred by Denise Czar of Michigan. Della came to me from Sherry Lee and Joanne Korn of Florida (Thanks to both!) who put on her first 3 points. Della is exclusively handled by her co-owner, Karan Aurelius, who started and finished her Canandian CH, with 3 BOB wins and finished her in the states all in less than a year. Della currently has 37 BOBs, 3 group IVs, 4 group IIIs, 2 group IIs and 2 group Is (thank you Judges Sonny Ambrosio and Marjorie Tuff!). Della is pretty much retired, but will be out at selected shows with Karan and maybe in Juniors with my daughter Samantha this fall.

Della placed in the top twenty Shelties for 1998 and 1999! This was a thrill for me! Thank you Karan!!

Madison (RiverOak Alchemy OnWisconsin - CH Starhaven's Black Citation x Stoneridge Summer Sienna) came to me from Cathy Herold in Wisconsin. Madison is a tri-factored sable. Madison is loved and owned by my daughter Samantha. Madison is the foundation bitch at Alchemy and has produced gorgeous puppies. Look for her tri daughter, by Pepsi (A/C CH Haven House Gotta Have It), Sidheburn Imagine That.

Please feel free to e-mail me at
Please come back soon and visit me.

This web page was designed by my little devil of a daughter, Carolynn.

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