Babypanther Japanese Lesson No.2


No.2 will give you greeting in Japanese.



(Means "Good Morning")



(Means "Good Afternoon")




(Means "Good Evening")


If you know these three words. Japanese people will welcome you. As you know, greeting is important.


You can see some scripts as an example.


Ohayou (Good Morning)

Ohayou (Good Morning)

Kinou iikoto atta? (Did you have something good yesterday?)

Kinou (yesterday) iikoto (something good) atta (did you have?)

Nannnimo (Nothing)

Kyou dousuru? (What kind of plan do you have today?)

Kyou (today) dousuru (What are you going to do?)

Yotei naiwa (No plan)

Yotei (plan) naiwa (no)


Point of lesson


  1. You can be sure about greeting in morning, afternoon, evening.
  2. There is not word comparable to "How are you?" in Japanese.


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