Catherine & Brett's Pages

Khmer Temples
In November 2000, Catherine went on an AAM tour to look at Thailand's Khmer temples. 

An American woman who lived in Thailand for a number of years and was a docent at the National Museum in Bangkok organized the trip. This trip was my first sense of any history in this region. Looking at things humans created a thousand years ago for the sake of beauty and their gods was  refreshing and inspiring. Learn about the Khmer Temples

Also, I was as awed by the Royal Grand Palace  and the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Pho) in Bangkok as I was looking at cathedrals and castles in Europe. It was a really neat trip!

West Virginia State Fair
We had a great visit to the USA last July and August, hitting 6 states - Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, North Carolina, West Virginia and Indiana twice. You can see the pictures from Catherine's first state fair.

There's also pictures of our niece Emily in North Carolina.

Sydney, March 2000
Brett's parents, Jack & Jackie visited us in KL and then we met up with them for a week in Sydney, Australia.

Lion Dance 

In & Around Town

This link is all the stuff that isn't traveling. NEW, great pictures of Brett in front of the Twin Towers from Chatwin & Samme's visit. There's also cultural stuff and pictures of monkeys.

Other Trips:

Our spring 1999 trip to Borneo broken into 2 parts: Mountain trekking up Mt. Kinabalu on days 1 to 4 and days 5 to 7, wildlife watching afterward including turtles, monkeys and orangutans

Our January 1999 trip to China.

  From our August 1999 trip to the Singapore Zoo, a few pictures.

Our August 1999 trip to Phuket, Thailand in 2 parts: Sailing first and then Elephants.

Catherine, the creator of "Brett & Catherine's Pages," posing as The Editor