In & Around Town

What's it like to live in Malaysia?


Lion Dance

Long-tail Macaque Monkeys


Silver-leaf Monkeys


Butterflies & Plants


Festival of the 9 Emperor Gods


For Christmas 2000, Catherine's brother, Chatwin, and her sister-in-law, Samme, came out to visit Malaysia. We spent a few days in Singapore and a lot of time around KL downtown.  Chatwin suggested a photo shoot with Brett in front of the Twin Towers. Directly behind the fountain, where the Twin Towers are connected on the ground, is the Dewan Philharmonic Petronas, the orchestra's concert hall. 

Brett really wanted nighttime pictures. Lighting was a challenge - there was a white umbrella and a sheet involved.

More photos by Chatwin & Samme

click on each picture to see it full size

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Our Apartment
From the KL radio tower, you can see we live very close to the Twin Towers.

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Catherine & Chatwin in Merderka (Freedom) Square

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Can you find all 3 cicaks (lizard-like creatures)? These ones had a dinner of bugs attracted to the light while we had Chinese food.

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Singapore Zoological Gardens acknowledges the adoption of the Ruffed Lemurs by Ms. Deborah Fordyce
The animals were free to roam in this exhibit.

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Motorbikes at the front of an intersection. Notice the bike with 3 people on it right in front-mom in the red helmet holding a child with no helmet

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Indian Mosque
The yellow block on the right is a typical apartment building

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KLCC park
Chatwin and Samme & the Twin Towers

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Shoe Check
Some places have a bag or coat check - here we have a shoe check in front of the Hindu temple

