Young Nellie Stewart

Welcome to the Pinske Family Tree web site. When I first started this site, I had two albums and several loose pictures that are from my Dad's Mom's side of the family. I have additional photographs from my Mom's side of the family now, too. Very few of these people actually bear the last name of "Pinske" but that's okay.

The first set of photos resulted in four main areas: the Big Album, the Black Album, the Loose Pictures and the Close Ups Gallery. The Big Album and the Black Album are recreations of the original photo albums; likewise Loose Pictures is where you will find the pictures that were loose. There are some included here that had duplicates in one of the albums, but the loose pictures were larger and would scan with better detail so they are included here. The Gallery is a collection of close-ups on the people in all of these photographs, as the JPEG pictures you will see in the Photo Album have reduced picture quality to speed up the download time.

All the same, the files in the Big Album are around 8 Kb each, and the Loose Pictures are around 20 Kb on average. The individual pictures in the Gallery are all about 4 Kb each, and are much clearer.

Note: All of the close up images in the Gallery are clickable.

Frames Version No Frames

If you are able to identify any of the people in these photographs, or if someone is identified incorrectly, please email me. My email address is

Originally, I was planning to, and did, upload my family tree information. I'm now aware that this is a bad idea, as living people may be taken advantage of. In the interest of still providing information to people who may be tracing parts of this tree, I am now only providing three pages: one that contains names and birth dates of people known to be born in 1900 or earlier, one that provides the names of people whose birth dates I do not know, and a third that provides simply the names of those individuals born after 1900 who may or may not be living. A list of surnames only is also available. These were last updated April 2002.

If you think you may have a connection with the information I supply here, please email me at the address above and indicate the name or names that may match, and provide some other identifying information such as names of parents, spouse, or children, and I will check and see if we might have a possible match. If we do, I'd love to compare notes!

I hope you enjoy your visit!

    Beverley Pinske
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