So Ya Dogs Wanna Eat Fish?

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Bluegrace Portugese Water Dogs

That's one big fish Ya must start from the head See how big this sucker is?

The only way to eat them is whole, raw, and ungutted I ate the head first as per usual

Shelly is pictured at top, with Tess (Australian Champion Bluegrace Aunty Tess) her daughter featured in the two bottom photos.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Fish is an integral part of the diet at Bluegrace PWD's. The dogs get at least one serving a week. The fish on average weigh a pound, although the ones above weighed closer to two pounds each.

Of course, they were demolished with great delight.

Types of fish fed - When we buy fish we buy whichever is cheapest. Depending on the day, this could be blackfish, whiting, red fish, mullet, sardines, mackeral, etc.

Fish heads? - my dogs love the fish heads. Mind you, for many dogs that haven't experienced fish, the whole experience can be a bit overwhelming. But my preference for fish is that it is fresh, whole, with scales and fins intact, and the guts still in. This then provides the dog with the ever so important "whole" food requirements.

Canned fish? - When I couldn't get raw fish easily, I did feed my dogs canned fish. While this is better than none, nothing compares with raw whole fish, especially if it is fresh.

How often? - I feed the dogs fish at least once a week, sometimes twice.

Where do you feed it? - The dogs eat their fish out in the back yard, although Judy likes to hide behind the kennel, as she thinks I'm going to take it back off her!

If you want to know more about feeding naturally, try clicking here.

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This site last updated 8th August, 2000.

Visitors to this page since 1st September, 1999.

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