You are always welcome at

Canton Road Baptist Church

"Akron's Friendliest Church"

A Word from our Pastor...

Dear Friend,

It is our privilege to invite you to worship with us at Canton Road Baptist Church. Our church is like a large family, and we care about your needs and are dedicated to meeting them.

If you are looking for a friendly place to worship God and study His Word, we believe you will find it here. If you are looking for a place to serve Him, we offer a variety of ministries and activities.

As you can see from the comments of our members, there is a sweet spirit in this place... and we think everyone at Canton Road Baptist Church is an important part of our ministry.

We hope you will want to be a part, too.

God bless you, and I look forward to meeting you soon.

In Christian love,
Dr. John L. Francis

Akron Baptist Bible College (a ministry of CRBC)

A Word About Our Programs

A Word From Our People

Let us show you the way to CRBC...


O Timothy Magazine
LML Homestead
How to Be Sure Of Going To Heaven
Institute for Creation Research
Jack Hyles Home Page
Way of Life
Dial-The-Truth Ministries
King James Version Bible
King James Bible Page
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible OnLine
Revival Fires Evangelist Dr. Dennis Corle
The Translators to the ReaderPreface to the KJV Bible AV 1611
'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' by Jonathan Edwards Message delivered at Enfield, Connecticut on July 8, 1741. Argueably one of the most famous sermons delivered in American history. Results were phenomenal, with hundreds crying out and pleading with the preacher..."Is there no way of escape?"
It Is Well With My Soul
The Star Spangled Banner and the story behind it
Logos 1611 Page

Canton Road Baptist Church
1398 Canton Road
Akron, Ohio 44312
Phone: (330) 733-3662
Dr. John L. Francis, Pastor

A Church of Friendly Caring People

| © 1997-98 LML |

This page last updated September 24, 2000.