The New and Improved Gerbil House!

care and tips for your critters

In loving memory to my gerbil, Jack..........................April 1, 1997-October 15, 1998

And to Curly and Terry...d June 2001

That's not a long time for an animal that brings one such happiness. I'll miss you, buddy.

Coming Soon...Nothing in Particular!

Do you have a favorite critter story? If so, I would love to hear about it.
I'm going to write some little stories about my critters (both past and present) and put them on these pages.
Also, do you like gerbils? This site will also be about the raising of these little rodents.
Gerbils are clean, fastidious,low maintenance pets. Even with a modicum of care, your gerbil should live four years or more.
I will share some of my tips for caring for your little critter.
Welcome to The Gerbil House

Gerbils have the scientific name of Meriones unguiculatus
All the pet gerbils around today are from this particular species found in Mongolia. They were first brought over as laboratory animals. The scientists who first saw them noticed their docile behavior and took some as pets. And the rest is history!

I now have two new gerbils named Terry and Jerri (nicknamed Curly). My previous gerbil named Jack died a few months ago and I wanted to get some new gerbils. This time I made sure to get two brothers. It has always seemed to me that companionship is very important in a gerbil's life. These two gerbils are of the regular brown variety, are very active (especially in their wheel), and are very curious about their surroundings. They love sunflower seeds (of course), dry spaghetti, lettuce, and nuts. When I get my pictures developed, I will try to upload a picture or two of them. As for their names, I did what I did last time, naming them for co-workers. Jerri here at work is actually a woman, but it could also be used as a male name.
All right, I'm going to try one more time to get this page organized. I lost Jerri in October 2000 and Terry in April 2001. I don't know what happened. Terry was fine one day, and then quit eating. He looked liked he was trying to sleep, but couldn't. Anyway, I got three boys in May of 2001, alson named after co-workers. This time, I will be uploading pictures.

I'll be back with info as soon as I can. Be kind to your critter. E-mail me about your furry one.

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Michael Chancellor.

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