Gerbils get to do so few things in their lives that having their cage cleaned out or getting a nice piece of carrot must be the highlight of their day. I cleaned out Jack's cage last night and he acted as if he had new surroundings. Of course, the old cedar/pine shavings stunk, so he was probably just happy about that. I have trouble finding a place to put him while I'm mucking out his cage. I usually stick him in my old Wide World of Sports trashcan, but he always looks so pathetic in there.

Jack just looks so bored in his cage most of the time. He didn't learn how to use the wheel when he was little so he doesn't have that option. I'm going to let him run loose on the carpet for a little while and see what he does. Of course, I'll have all the exits blocked so he won't be able to go anywhere dangerous!

I've noticed that Jack gets a little lethargic if he doesn't get to eat what he wants...sunflower seeds! I've seen him dig through a bowl of food just to get to on little sunflower seed in the bottom. I used to give my gerbils before Jack as many sunflower seeds as they wanted, but since they are high in fat, I try to restrict Jack's intake.

As I mentioned earlier, I got a couple of new gerbils to keep me occupied. They are of the regular brown variety, and as soon as I find out what that variety is called, I'll let y'all know. They are brothers. I like to get them like that because they seem to live longer if they have another one around. All the single gerbils I've had have not lived long at all. I had a couple in the early 90's who were over 4 when they died. Anyway, I'll probably name them after my colleagues at work, Jerry (Jerri) and Terry (the one with the curly tail).

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