This page is dedicated to my dog and friend, Scotch. When ever someone asks me what
kind of dog I have I'm almost ashamed to tell them...NOT my dog's fault but the media's. This
breed of dog has to be one of the most misunderstood and mistreated of them all. I hope by putting this
on the NET to help familiarize people with the breed and to give them some additional links to help.
First i want to start of saying that although not all of the pictures are of
my dogs, I HAVE had seventeen of them and three children. I would say that qualifies me to be able to
say that in my experience Pits that are raised RIGHT love and respect kids. NEVER has one of my dogs
tried to bite my kids and my kids are ROUGH ! That tells me that these dogs know a kid isn't a threat
to them and they can take a "horsey back" ride in stride. Second I want to tell you about Scotch.
She is what I call my rescued Pit. She was trained to kill cats and fight any dog she met on command.
When the owner tried to separate her from another dog in a fight and he got bite. He was going to destroy
her. My mother called me and begged me to take her. I did and have never regretted it! My kids
ride Scotch, they lay on her to watch tv (nice warm pillow) and pull her tail. She has never even growled
! She just lays there or what ever the case may be and takes it ! We have had Scotch for three
years now. Last year my husband brought home a cat. I thought for sure it would be lunch ! NOT ! They
are buddies who sleep, eat, and play together. Two years ago Scotch had a litter of fifteen
puppies. Of course my kids went nuts over them ( my kids are now 6,7 and 8). One morning I woke up
to Scotch in my face whining. When I got up to see what was the matter I found three pups (about 2 weeks
old) missing. Guess where they were? My kids rooms ! This dog did not even try to bite them when her
pups were yelping in pain from my kids squeezing them. Yes the puppies were fine. To me the
best reason to own a Pitbull is their stable personality and I think those are some good examples.
And if you think that the breed is owned my only drug dealers and such...think again. We're middle
class, both my husband and I work, and we love our dog. I also know a Pastor in Mississippi
who has raised them, who promised me a photo to include on my page.
Below I've included some really cool links and places to visit:
Colby Pitbulls
A Site Like Mine
A Listing of Other Pitbull Sites
A Pitbull Rescue Site
World Wide Pitbull Club
See How Your Website Ranks
,A German Lover of Pits
Why the Media Sees Our Breed the Way They Do