New Updates Log

New Updates Log

May 3rd, 2009

An Alzheimer's Joke in "Fun Stuff" - funny, not mean...

And a new book review - "Gerald's Game" by Stephen King

April 26th, 2009

A new picture of my daughter "B4 Bootcamp"

I'll put up a new photo of her when she is a Uniformed Army Soldier in a couple of months

Also updated the "My Toys" diagram under technology to reflect recent changes...         I'm always tweaking and "test driving" new stuff.

April 25th, 2009

A new "Technology", my "newer', much sexier Verizon BlackBerry 8703e

They call 'em "CrackBerries" for good reason

April 22nd, 2009

I voted:       NO       NO       NO       NO       NO       NO

California State Assembly get raises. We get tax increases, they get raises.

April 18th, 2009

California's Republicans weakly oppose tax increases

April 13th, 2009

Get paid for taking care of your parents, on the taxpayer's dime. New "Political News"

April 10th, 2009

Added a new section "Political News", a place to put all the News in one place regarding "Tea Parties", Recalls, Tax Revolts and other things Free Speech and Annoying.

To start it out I put in a bunch of California State Tax Revolt and Recall links.

April 5th, 2009

Three more movie reviews: "Aliens", "Independence Day", and "I Am Legend"

March 27th, 2009

Added some more links to the "Links" page and a few Animated GIFs (pictures) to the "Fun Stuff"

March 21st, 2009

Reviewed "The X Files: I Want To Believe" DVD and a new "Bourne" book by Eric Van Lustbader

March 12th, 2009

Two more book reviews in "Books", one a real stinker...

March 8th, 2009

Protest signs from the John & Ken Tax Revolt rally on March 7th in "Fun Stuff" and some photos from the same event up on the "Photos" page

March 7th, 2009

Another book review added to "Books", and I put up the "Heads on a Stick" photo from the KFI Radio website. Arnolds's head spinning on Conan's sword. Priceless...

February 28th, 2009

Added a "Links" page to put all the links I find useful. Plus one more Joker quote on "Fun Stuff"

February 26th, 2009

Edited a photo with The GIMP of my son and put it up on the website under Photos/My Son. A better picture than the previous one.

February 23rd, 2009

2 Quotes by The Joker from The Dark Knight and one quote by Alfred the Wayne Family butler about The Joker

February 22nd, 2009

Added movie reviews for The Incredible Hulk and a review for the DVD of BatMan The Dark Knight

February 17th, 2009

Added "Wanda The Fish Quotes" to "Fun Stuff".

January 1 to February 16th, 2009

After a month and a half I decided that a "New Updates Log" like I've seen on other websites was in order. So here it is...

On January 1st I reorganized and redecorated this website. For years I had been putting just about everything into the "Rantings" pages and it wasn't easy to find anything.

So I looked it over and decided to separate everything into pages. Like "Books", "Movies", "Software", "Technology", "Photos" and even a place for "Fun Stuff". The "Rantings" page is now just "Rantings" and hardly anything else.

Today (February 16th) I changed the "Software" and "Technology" and "Photos" indexes to name the Software, Technology or Photo rather than "Software 1", "Technology 1"or "Photo 1" and added a new "Technology" item, my BlackBerry 7250. I've also added a few book reviews last weekend.

And now, so you won't have to look through the whole website only to find out that I have been lazy and hadn't changed anything besides my "Rantings" page you can simply look here...

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