Pearl grew up on Plain View Farm. She was Alfred and Bergit Stadem's first child. When she married Bob Ginther from Bruce, South Dakota, she married a flier. How exciting! He had his own plane! They flew it to Plain View Farm, landing in the big, flat field across the road from the house. How exciting that was whenever they came in to land! It was enough to take away your breath! Everybody dropped what they were doing to run out from the house, shouting and trying not to get in the way of the plane. When it landed, Denver the dog was first to get to the plane, and soon everyone else! Bergit was so overcome with the "flutters" she dropped to her knees on the ground. Have you ever felt your heart thumping when something really exciting happened to you? Well, that was what happened to Grandma Bergit. Besides the plane, Bob also had a goat, which wasn't much good as it turned out. One day the goat jumped up on the top of the Ginthers' car and since the top was canvas and not metal, it caved in under the goat. Bob then gave the goat to Grandpa, who might be able to get some good out of it. But that did not happen, so Grandpa Stadem decided to get rid of it too. He sold the goat, and then Bob asked him how much he got."Twenty five cents, more than he was worth!" replied Grandpa Stadem.
(c) 2006, Butterfly Productions, All Rights Reserved