Siamese fighting fish cost from three to five dollars, anything more and you are getting ripped off. They live two to three years. You should either keep them in a one gallon bowl or larger by themselves or in a tank with other fish. They should not be put with barbs or other nipping fish or any other fish that resembles or is related to a betta. They are very calm and do not move very much. I have heard over and over that my fish is dead when he is really just sitting there. They eat betta food, black worms or tropical fish food. I have a friend who said she feed hers corn flakes for a year, but I’m not sure how trustworthy this information is. My betta is named Klao. I have him in a one gallon bowl. I have a little castle for him to hide in and I do not have any gravel on the bottom. I have heard that gravel steals oxygen from the water. I feed him betta bites twice a day. I give him three specks in the morning and two specks at night. He is an extremely hardy fish. He has made it four days without eating and has survived a 60 degree water temperature for two days. Having a fish like Klao definitely adds to any room, especially a dorm room.
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