My name is Nancy and I am
from Jackson, Tennessee.
I just graduated from Lambuth University.
My major was sociology with a
concentration in
criminal justice with a minor
in psychology.
I am going to
Freed-Hardeman University for grad school
where getting my masters in counseling.
I am 27 years old
and a single mom.
I am a Southern Baptist
and I go to
Highland Park Baptist Church.
If I can think of anything else to say
I will come back and write it.
So, for now, I'm outta here. :-)

My Pics

My Military Pic

Here I am again..

Here's how I started out!!

Here's some more!

Wasn't I cute?

Me in the pen...

Me playing basketball...go figure!

Acteen queen!

My senior pic!

Recent pic taken
October 25, 1998



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