(1) F. After Res. Mk 16:5-18
(2) F. It was a primary proof. Mk. 16:14
(3) F. Faith comes by hearing God's Word. Rom. 10:17
(4) F. "For whoever shall CALL upon the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED." Rev. 3:20
(5) F. Some still doubted. Matt. 28:18.
(6) F. He rebuked them for their unbelief, hard hearts. Mk 16:14
(7) F. Because they refused testimony of Mary and other first witnesses. Mk 16:14
(8) F. God requires sincerity; faith based on grace, not works. II Cor. 1:12
(9) F. Pilate directed Pharisees to set guards at the tomb since they feared disciples would steal body and declare Jesus risen. Matt 27:62-66
(10) F. Angel rolled it back away. Matt. 28:2
(11) F. They fainted. Matt. 18:4. Roman soldiers who leave a post were executed.
(12) F. An angel was first witness. Mk 16:5. Then two Marys. Matt. 28
(13) F. Jesus met her and spoke with her on way. Matt. 28:9-10
(14) T. Paul says...Rom. 10:4; Jesus said it first. Luke 24:27
(15) F. James was oldest son of Mary and Joseph. Jesus was Mary's first-born son.
(16) F. He appeared to 500 disciples.
(17) F. It was big and heavy, set probably on downward slope.
(18) F. He ate, spoke, walked, preached, comforted, foretold future before ascension. Matt., Mk, Luke, Jn
(19) T. Jn. 20:26.
(20) F. Fish and Chips (fried fish & fried bread). Jn 21:9
(21) F. Three occasions. Jn 21:14
(22) F. He spoke many times: II Cor. 12:9, Acts 22:7-8, 10, 18, 21, to Apostle Paul; to John and Churches, Rev. 1:11; 17-20; Rev. 22:7, 12-13, 16, 20, all Rev. 2 & 3; also Acts 1
(23) F. Jn 3:16. Whosoever BELIEVETH, it says, will not perish but have everlasting life.
(24) T. On road to Emmaus He preached OT verses concerning himself to Cleopas and others. Luke 24:13:31
(25) F. He said "O fools" to disciples slow to accept His resurrection. Luke 24
(26) F. Dined on fish and honeycomb. Luke 24:42-43
(27) F. "It is finished." Jn 19:30
He was "obedient unto death," scripture says.
(28) F. She thought he was the gardener. Jn 20:15
(29) F. Luke wrote "many infallible proofs." Acts 1-3
(30) F. Forty days. Acts 1:3
(31) F. He spoke to disciples. Acts 1:7-8
(32) F. They just stood there awestruck. 2 angels asked them why they were standing there. Acts 1:10-11. Are you doing the same? Go tell the world that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead!