Plain View Farm, Rural Bryant, SD

"Pearl's Minnow Story," or, "How Pearl Got Minnows for Papa's Pond," by Pearl Stadem Ginhther

I went to visit Uncle Andrew Vorseth at their house, and when I offered to milk one of his cows he said, "I have found some minnows in my well." I couldn't believe it. He offered to show me. He dropped a fish net scoop down on a rope and drew it back up, and pulled up 3 little minnows. I couldn't hardly believe it. "You can have them," he said. I put them in Papa's pond back of the house, where I had water lilies already growing but no fish. I didn't have any fish food, so I threw them oatmeal. And they grew large on that oatmeal!

Papa's pool is still there! I want to see Papa's pool, which was cement sided, dug out of the dirt which has covered it over, and another pool added further up the yard, with a connecting brook through the trees that will recirculate the water. It will look so pretty, the little rock-edged and ferny brook flowing down between the trees from one pool to the other, and the one of the ponds will have a fountain! This is what Papa would love too at Plain View Farm for all us to enjoy!

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