The Top Ten Momentous Events in the Catholic Church in the last 100 Years!

10. Our Lady Of Fatima- Marian apparitions by three visionaries linked to Pope John Paul's survival of an assassin's bullet and the collapse of Soviet Russia.

9. Catechism of the Catholic Church- A 1992 publication of a systematic presentation of the basics of Catholic doctrine regarding faith and morals.

8. Charismatic Renewal- Traced to Duquesne University in 1966-67, now active in over 100 countries. Characterized by baptism in the Holy Spirit, small prayer groups, a love of Scripture, and a variety of "charismatic gifts", including praying in tongues and healing.

7. Humanae Vitae- A Papal Letter issued by Pope Paul VI on July 29, 1968, addressing the Church's teaching on marriage and related issues.

6. The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Religious Vocations- After WW II, Western countries saw a boom in vocations. A sharp decline began in the 1960s. It seems to be levelling out. But what, at the beginning of the century, was clearly a duty for "Father" or "Sister", may now typically be done by a lay man or woman.

5. First Communion for Young Children- A decision of Pope Pius X to lower the age at which a child could first receive Holy Communion. It was lowered from adolescent age to "the age of reason", generally considered to be around age 7.

4. Codification of the Canon Law- Canon Law is the body of laws used to govern the Catholic Church. The decision to codify the collection of regulations was made by Pope Pius X in 1903. The final result, the Corpus Juris Canonici, the first official guide, was completed in 1917. Pope John Paul II issued a new Code of Canon Law in 1983.

3. Election and Papacy of John XXIII- Elected in 1958, Pope John announced that - simply inspired by the Holy Spirit - he was calling a council. He set the tone and guided the agenda of a historic council. (See #1 below!)

2. Election and Papacy of John Paul II- Elected on October 16, 1978, first Polish Pope in history, first non-Italian pope since the 16th century. John Paul II continues to bring the papacy from the religion section of the daily newspaper to the front page. He has shaped the public perception of what a pope is and should be.

1. The Second Vatican Council- Held in four sessions from 1962 to 1965, this was the Church's 21st general council, but only the second since the 16th century. This gathering of bishops from around the world altered many of the methods, styles, and customs of Catholicism. The most obvious change was the vernacular replacing Latin in the Mass.

source-Columbia Magazine, Dec 1999

