Association Communautaire Fallingbrook Community Association
This document represents the views of the following Community Associations:
Cumberland Village
Queenswood Heights
The Villages
Our Community Associations represent the Cumberland population of approximately 52000 residents.
This document has been prepared by the Community Associations for use in the current governance debate.
To identify for the benefit of the Community Associations and its residents, the issues associated with any future level of governance presented that will be considered worthy for review, comments and consultation.
Given that we will have a different form of Governance in Ottawa-Carleton before the end of the century, there is a need for local communities to have or know the following:
The need to have easy access to our elected officials for quick decisions as well as informative discussion on concerns;
The need to be able to maintain the present level of control over selected local activities that community associations are now or have in the past been involved in either though our comments or by working with our elected officials;
The need to be assured that the funding for these selected local activities will be, as a guaranteed minimum, kept at the current level and pushed higher if justified;
The need to be assured that there will be flexibility in the allocation of funds which recognizes the rapid population growth and needs of the community;
The need to be assured that the use of volunteers for community level activities will not have a negative impact on funding or grants; and
The need to be assured that all Community Associations will continue to be kept fully and timely informed as well as given the opportunity to debate and/or comment on future plans as per our current responsibilities and relationship with our municipal representatives.
The following topics have been identified community Issues of Concern.
The new governance model must insure that maintenance, quality and service will continue at its present level and when justified be increased. This includes sidewalks, curbs, walkways, streetlights and traffic calming functions. Justification includes community growth and newly identified safety concerns. Seasonal responsibilities must be maintained at current levels.
The new governance model must permit volunteer fire departments in suburban as well as rural areas and retain or improve the existing level of service. Locally purchased or funded equipment must be retained in the community.
The new governance model must ensure that funding is retained at existing levels and that the capability to influence the growth of arts and culture activities and provide programming for the needs of the community remains within existing communities. In particular local ethnic programs must continue at their current level. New communities must be afforded the same opportunity.
The new governance model must ensure that funding is retained at its current level. The capability must be inherent to allow as new requirements are identified for delivery at the local level. Community representation as regards facilities, equipment and programs to the decision making body is essential and necessary.
The new governance model must allow for participation by community associations on behalf of the residents in the naming and signing of the community. This would include community centre signage and community identification signage (Neighbourhood Watch, Block Parent, etc...) Appropriate funding needs to be provided to initially install signage and then to properly maintain it.
Local Zoning, Planning & Inspection and Adjustment
The new governance model must ensure the formal participation of the residents and the Community Associations.
By- Laws
The new governance model shall provide for a process of implementing local by-laws as well as adopting existing by-laws which are now in place to the betterment of existing communities.
A central authority should manage, preferably fully accountable for the following:
Land Use Planning & Environmental Conservation
The specialized technical aspects and the need for a common overall policy justify central control with local implementation.
Economic Development & Tourism
To sell the area as one voice central promotion is required with the equal distribution of benefits and obligations.
The greater need is for an area wide traffic grid with an entrenched, clearly defined means of accomodating local recommendations.
A centralized policing service, adequately funded, is essential with service levels negotiated with local community associations or through public meetings.
Health and Social Services, Sewer Water and Electricity, Ambulance Service, Library Service, Garbage and Re-cycling, Human Resources, General Government
Centralized services provide greater efficiencies and cost savings. Flexibility must be inherent to ensure local needs.
The community associations agreed that there should be no decision on local levy or taxation at this time as there is a lack of detailed information available. The transition period for the implementation of the new governance model should permit the opportunity for consultation on the benefits and drawbacks of local levy and/or taxation for local services and seek comments on potential possibilities from the community Associations affected.
The City of Cumberland and our community associations are extremely active in all processes that affect our local communities. We interact with our elected representatives who attend our monthly meetings as well as our volunteer activities. On behalf of our residents we comment on, and participate in development plans and actively promote our economy. We are now, and desire to continue to be, that important link to the quality of life of our residents. A new governance model for Cumberland must include an active community association role. We as Community Association Representatives are still seeking and encourage the comments from our residents.