Take a look at who's been here!

10/28/00 15:34:58
Name: Merrill & Jean Branson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your City and State: Ks.
How did you find us?: Home Page

Dug: Good for you. Happy in your work. Are you still single? What about Mom and Dad? Merrill & Jean

05/10/00 05:32:01
Name: Lane Keyser My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: John 3:17 Church Affiliation: 1st Church of the Brethren Your City and State: Pottstown, Pa 19464
Your Age: 39 How did you find us?: Cob-net.org What else would you like to see here?: Looks good

Hello, I'm leading a technology group at church, just stoppped by your site to see what yu wee doing with your web ministry. Keep up the good job! LANE

07/22/99 18:10:34
Name: Tom Donahue My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Church Affiliation: Catholic Your City and State: Baker Whitely,San Jose,CA Your Age: 58
How did you find us?: reading J'town site What else would you like to see here?: picture of the swingn bridge

I'm glad to see Willa Mae Weaver getting around, she's a classmate of mine from Shade class of 58

07/22/99 18:09:56
Name: Tom Donahue My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Church Affiliation: Catholic Your City and State: Baker Whitely,San Jose,CA Your Age: 58
How did you find us?: reading J'town site What else would you like to see here?: picture of the swingn bridge

I'm glad to see Willa Mae Weaver getting around, she's a classmate of mine from Shade class of 58

03/11/99 18:00:29
Name: Rob Rummel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 27:17 Church Affiliation: Pleasant Hill COB Your City and State: Hollsopple Pa
Your Age: very Young How did you find us?: doug lead me here

I hope you all at Hooversville don't mind me showing this web page around at the PHCOB we are looking at doing this very thing in the future. So I hope you don't mind me using this page for an example keep up the good work. and God's blessings to each o e. this is a great out reach ministry thanks

01/05/99 00:37:59
Name: Louie
My URL: Visit Me
Church Affiliation: Fairview

I like your new look. 6 degrees in Hooversvilee is too cold for me.

12/09/98 18:21:26
Name: deb bench My URL: Visit Me
Church Affiliation: hooversville Your City and State: pa
Your Age: 38

Christmas Eve candle light service. Welcome one and all.

11/10/98 18:52:26
Name: Jeff Davidson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Church Affiliation: Church of the Brethren Your City and State: Woodbridge, VA
Your Age: 39 How did you find us?: linked from cob-net.org

Nice page! We're looking at putting a web page together, so I thought I'd see what some other folks are doing. God bless you and your ministry- Jeff

10/12/98 05:30:07
Name: doloris griffith My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Church Affiliation: hooversville

october 12th revival services continue thru oct 14 services begin at 7:30 p.m. danny bailey is evangelist special music oct 12: brothersvalley cob;tues, geiger cob;wed,sipesville cob choir.there will be a carry in supper on wed oct 14 starting at 6 p.m. everyone is welcome.... come, hear, and rejoice with us!!!!!!!

10/12/98 01:20:16
Name: Mike Swick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: Romans 5:8 Church Affiliation: COB Your City and State: Mdale, PA
Your Age: 28 How did you find us?: Looking for the Peru page What else would you like to see here?: Doug in Ireland, Doug in School bus.

Pretty cool but you need to finish your favorite web sites

10/09/98 02:52:01
Name: doloris griffith My URL: Visit Me Favorite Scripture: consider thelilies of the field
Church Affiliation: hooversville cob Your City and State: friedens,pa Your Age: many moons
How did you find us?: with a lot of help from aaron What else would you like to see here?: revival services info

the little yellow brick church in hooversville welcomes one and all...come worship with us soon. women's fellowship, last tuesday of the month 6;30 p.m. food, fun, and fellowship followed by regular tuesday evening prayer service.

10/03/98 21:51:49
Name: Louie Diamond My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Church Affiliation: Fairview COB Your City and State: Masontown, PA 15461 Your Age: 35
How did you find us?: Pastor Doug


10/03/98 03:11:56
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/27/98 02:14:01
Name: Willa Mae Weaver My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Church Affiliation: Hooversville COB
Your City and State: Central City, PA How did you find us?: Church


08/18/98 23:53:48
Name: DOLORIS GRIFFITH My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Church Affiliation: H'VILLE COB Your City and State: FRIEDENS,PA Your Age: ???????
How did you find us?: FRIENDS What else would you like to see here?: SERMON TOPIC FOR WEEK


07/21/98 18:33:54
Name: Natan Chrishombre My URL: Visit Me Favorite Scripture: Psalm 139
Church Affiliation: Berkey COB Your City and State: Windber PA Your Age: 18
How did you find us?: Doug What else would you like to see here?: pictures

pictures would greatly benefit your website doug!

07/14/98 01:14:57
Name: debbie bench My URL: Visit Me Favorite Scripture: 2 tim 1:7
Church Affiliation: hooversville cob Your City and State: HOLSOPPLE PA Your Age: 38
How did you find us?: WEB What else would you like to see here?: SHORT AFFIRMATION OF PAGE EACH WEEK TO GO ALONE WITH BIBLE VERSE


07/10/98 14:58:52
Name: Sandie Witeof My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: Hebrews 13:8
Church Affiliation: Hooversville COB Your City and State: Hollsopple, Pa 15935


07/06/98 01:37:32
Name: Amy Saylor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: Psalm 23 Church Affiliation: Hooversville COB Your City and State: Cairnbrook, PA
Your Age: 30


07/05/98 12:56:58
Name: Doug Diamond My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Scripture: Romans 5:1 Church Affiliation: Hooversville CoB Your City and State: Hooversville, PA
Your Age: 24 How did you find us?: Wrote the page What else would you like to see here?: More input from other people


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